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clutch disc
How to determine to replace the clutch disc?

How to replace the car air conditioning filter?

The car air conditioning filter is one of the important parts of the car cooling system. When the car is driving with the air conditioner, it must inhale the outside air into the cabin, but the air contains many different particles, such as dust, pollen, soot, abrasive particles, etc.

If there is no air conditioning filter to filter, once these particles enter the car, not only will the car air conditioner be contaminated, the cooling system performance will be reduced, but also the human body will have allergic reactions after inhaling dust and harmful gases, as well as the influence of peculiar smell.

Briefly analyze

Generally speaking, the air-conditioning filter element is generally replaced every 10,000 kilometers. But for example, a general urban family car can be replaced every six months or once a year.

If driving on a dusty road for a long time., more dust will enter the car. This will cause the air conditioner to be very dirty and need to be replaced in advance.

In addition, the frequency of air conditioning in different seasons will also have an impact.

  1. If the air flow from the air conditioner is significantly reduced, the air conditioner filter element may be blocked. The filter element should be cleaned first, or replaced if necessary.
  2. The frequency of cleaning depends on the road conditions (dusty roads, etc.). It is better to clean earlier.
    Therefore, it is very important to regularly check and replace the air conditioning filter.